Între ani

2016. Thea turned 10. We are a little wiser and together we celebrated our 11th birthday. Anna, towards the end of it, entered a new stage, after turning 7 years old…at home. 3 years of Sipet de sidef.

A year in which the girls grew up beautifully and harmoniously, they didn't need much medicine, except for various syrups (from time to time) and sea water, and the adults around them, us and the grandparents, creaking in places, faced the multiple challenges.

A year in which we saw old friends again and met beautiful people. And in which we chose to be a little more selective, in choosing those with whom it is worth spending your free time (so precious) and not only. Because family is given to you by God, that's right, but you have complete freedom to choose your friends. We learned to say NO more often and to avoid convenience! And YES, only to what pleased us, enriched us spiritually and helped us to be better.

In 2016, we made important investments. In people, vacations, and books. For the healthy and properly built future of our children.

A year in which we finally arrived in Maramures, together with 5 mothers, 7 little girls, 9 children, 2 grandmothers and a nanny, with whom we ventured on mountain roads. We didn't know each other until then. Now we miss each other! Just as we didn't know the people whose guesthouse we stayed at and where we felt great. We arrived at Pietrosul Rodnei. We saw the Horse Waterfall. We escaped from vipers, we picked blueberries and raspberries. We met On the top of the mountain, a great family of Romanians settled in Spain, with whom I made a wonderful route. It was an unforgettable girls' vacation (without dads), like every year. A healthy breath of oxygen!

We went to the beach twice, the girls went to camp, and then finally we drove through a little bit of Europe together. For the first time, we got rid of car sickness on a long drive. It was perfect!

The days together weren't many. Only 4, but wonderful and very full. We fell in love with Amsterdam and, every moment, we imagined what it would be like when the four of us would return? Of course, choosing the routes for long walks through the city with greater care.

T has become friends with vegetables and fruits, A no longer vehemently refuses meat. With some clarification work, in the first case. Both swim great and love to continue playing sports.

A puppy has appeared in our lives. Walnut. An adorable chocolate wonder who filled our yard with joy. And not only that. And emptied it of lavender, roses, hydrangeas and anything else he found interesting to chew on.

A year in which we got along perfectly with our colleagues. Only ladies and gentlemen, a little more than last year. And at Evenimento and at Sipet de sidef. And they were healthy and (I think), satisfied with the choices made.

We enjoyed another year of giving. Clothes, toys, joy, beautiful surprises, special moments. We gave on our own accord, whenever we felt like it, to whoever we wanted, when it was needed or not, without a specific calendar set by others. Without noise. In complete silence.

Of course I wish for an even better year, that's how we always wish for the end of December. Or always. But if there will be another year like the one that is preparing to become a memory, a new year in which the children are healthy and we are by their side, the parents stay by our side, all four of us, as well as friends and everyone who matters to us, I don't dare to wish for more! Because if all this happens to us, we will find the resources to be active and creative and to add a little more value to our professional projects.

And, yes, I wish it to be PEACE! Once upon a time, it was a word that I found in poems at celebrations and uttered without understanding its deep meaning. A word about whose weight and importance, our grandparents would tell us at bedtime. We didn't get beyond it, they were stories from the lives lived by others. Closely linked to the death of ancestors. They all seemed like stories. They really were. Now I understand and realize that, beyond health, PEACE is what the generations to come need! So be it, 2017!

For now, I imagine you as a white heart that can't wait to be painted on a blue sky with white wisps of fluffy clouds.