Zâna Unicornilor

It happened on an ordinary day, when a new dress in adorable colors had to bear a name. And since Sipet de sidef is a story, I waited with bated breath, watching the dress resting neatly on the hanger, to find out the continuation of this new page.
Because we had to make the country proud that it had appeared, we called one of our little muses to bring it to life and…to inspire us. But because absolutely everything happens naturally to us and because we don't want to fit into any pattern, it's all a game. Including the photo shoots, in which nothing is directed.

And when it comes to princess dresses, the accessories are endless. Or none at all. Because a little girl just needs imagination and freedom to draw stories. Barefoot, she loves her hair. With two pigtails, she's proud of her tiara.

It seemed like nothing was right, so Anna asked us for pencils. Slowly, on the white of the last existing photo background, a story began to unfold. Unprogrammed. As only she knows how to write. But which will be kept, cut out and uncorrected, in…the coffin of the coffin.

In her own way and out of her immense love for unicorns, she transposed herself into another world. She tied her hair back, so as not to tangle it, and drew on a piece of cardboard a page from the history of such a dear project, based on natural things and born from the immense love of a mother, for the normal childhood of adorable little girls, who loved (and still love, from time to time!) playing princesses. Without nail polish and makeup, but through rain or mud, without sophisticated curls, but with pigtails or tousled strands, without precious jewelry, but with flowers in her hair or shells around her neck. And with the already famous play dress, truly princess-like, from Sipet de sidef.